The Cayo Perico heist is available in GTA Online

The Cayo Perico heist is available in GTA Online

One of the keys to the success of GTA Online is the huge amount of possibilities that the game offers when it comes to things to do. Not only you have all of the content included in GTA V but quite a lot more activities have been included since the online version of the game was released in 2013. Rockstar Games has been adding new heists and new locations for quite a long time and although those are not exactly needed in a game in which a simple alien disguise is enough for its community to organize a war, the additions are more than welcome. 



GTA Online has just received the brand new Cayo Perico heist, one of the largest additions to the game to date. It should be enough reason for you to return to Los Santos once more to indulge in a life of crime. This time the target is no other than the private island that gives name to the heist, a luxurious place that is home to El Rubio, one of the most important drug dealers in Los Santos. Rockstar has been very clear in explaining the heist:

“It’s up to you to find a way to breach Cayo Perico, one of the most secure private islands in the entire world, evade or neutralize the heavily armed security forces stationed there, and escape with valuable evidence along with as much art, gold and drug money as you can carry."

“Choose your tools. Choose your approach. Choose your crew – or even go it entirely alone. Just make it back to Los Santos in one piece.”

Cayo Perico will prove to be quite a dangerous place and you will be facing one of the most difficult heists of your criminal career in GTA Online. It may be wise to enlist help from some friends if you want to succeed. The most important thing is to get the loot and escape alive. How you deal with the split afterward will be completely up to you.

Best deals for GTA 5

  • Official website : Grand Theft Auto 5
  • Categories : Action, Adventure
  • Editor : Rockstar Games
  • Developer : Rockstar North
  • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer
  • Release date : April 13, 2015
  •     Xbox Series X : March 1, 2022
  •     PS5 : March 1, 2022
  •     XboxOne : November 18, 2014
  •     PS4 : November 18, 2014
  •     PC : April 14, 2015
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