Tame your own zombie in Welcome to ParadiZe

Tame your own zombie in Welcome to ParadiZe

There are quite a few zombie survival games that let you immerse in a world overrun by the undead, but Welcome to ParadiZe takes a significantly original approach to the genre instead of just making you obliterate hordes of zombies like in Dead Island 2, for example.. In this exciting action game, you find yourself in a world where weird technology allows you to control ravenous zombies and make them do all the dirty work for you. It's not like you become the ultimate necromancer, since the zombies are rather unstable, but the zombies can become your companions once tamed if you don't mind having an undead that would normally try to eat your brains as an ally. Welcome to ParadiZe is unique on this matter, but the game is also full of other surprises.

A zombie-master in zombie-land

Welcome to ParadiZe is a post-apocalyptic adventure where your objective is to survive in a world infested by zombies. The game is set in the wilderness and you will need to find the means to build a shelter and fend off the unrelenting attacks of the undead. However, there are other dangers in the wilderness, and discovering the local flora and fauna will lead to some surprises. However, you can count on invaluable allies if you take enough risks. Set up an ambush and trap a zombie, and you will be able to control and tame it with special technology. then you will have an undead slave who will fight for you, work for you, and do anything you want. Just, don't expect it to be very smart.

In Welcome to ParadiZe, zombies will need your guidance and you must constantly keep an eye on them, just in case something goes wrong. But if you can handle the pressure, zombies will make your life much easier. Put them to work and make them gather materials and build solid fortifications, set up traps in order to stop pesky wanderers that come into your camp, and devise a defensive plan that uses your companions as cannon fodder if you want. After all, there are more outside there if you are brave enough to tame them.



Welcome to ParadiZe features a multiplayer mode and you can share your adventure with other players if you want. It's up to you to decide if you want to socialize or just prefer to survive on your own, but don't forget that zombies are a precious commodity.

If you want to join an adventure where zombies are more than just mindless flesh-craving monsters, Welcome to ParadiZe is your game. Feel free to use our comparator to purchase a Welcome to ParadiZe CD key ahead of the release of the game tomorrow and start thinking about funny names for your zombie pets.

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