Rockstar announces a new Heist for GTA Online

Rockstar announces a new Heist for GTA Online

If there is a game that has managed to maintain a stable player base over the years, that's GTA Online. Rockstar has kept the game in shape with updates and extra content for years, but even the long break that preceded the release of the Diamond Casino & Resort last July couldn't make a dent in the mood of the fans of the gta 5 mobile game. The casino itself seems to be quite a juicy target if you take into account the amount of cash that it generates, so it's natural that the upcoming DLC for GTA Online is coming in the form of The Diamond Casino Heist.

The Diamond Casino & Resort: Score Big in Los Santos

— Rockstar Games (@RockstarGames) 4 de diciembre de 2019

Branded as the biggest and most audacious heist in the long history of GTA, casino online will be a real challenge for the players, and they will have to be thoroughly prepared before they attempt to challenge the security measures of the Los Santos's casino. You will have to work with the Cheng family to infiltrate the building in a mission that will prove to be really hard. To begin the heist, you and your crew will have to establish a retro arcade business as a front for the operation. From there, you will lay down a propper plan, exploring all the different approach opportunities and following your schedule without failure is the bare minimum that you will have to do. Reacting to the unexpected will be a must if you want to be successful and leave the place alive and with plenty of loot for your trouble. Remember that if everything fails, you always have the option of pulling out your guns and try to escape with a bang.



The Diamond Casino Heist will be the seventh heist in the online multiplayer mode of GTA 5, adding to a list that includes The Fleeca Job, The Prison Break, The Humane Labs Break, Series A Funding, The Pacific Standard and The Doomsday Heist. More information about the heist will be available before it's released next Thursday, 12th December, on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.

Best deals for GTA 5

  • Official website : Grand Theft Auto 5
  • Categories : Action, Adventure
  • Editor : Rockstar Games
  • Developer : Rockstar North
  • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer
  • Release date : April 13, 2015
  •     Xbox Series X : March 1, 2022
  •     PS5 : March 1, 2022
  •     XboxOne : November 18, 2014
  •     PS4 : November 18, 2014
  •     PC : April 14, 2015
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