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Diablo 4 open beta is coming next month
Feb 20, 2023, 2:00 PM Fyra Frost Beta Access
You will be able to discover all the novelties in the latest installment of the most popular ARPG series without having to pay for it.
Believe it or not, you will be able to try one of the most anticipated games of 2023 ahead of its release. We are talking about Diablo 4, of course. The new installment in the most popular ARPG series of all time will launch on June 6, but you will have the opportunity of returning to the world of Sanctuary to fight against the denizens of Hell ahead of that. Blizzard has announced that two separate beta events will take...
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Lies of P will launch next summer
Feb 20, 2023, 12:00 PM Fyra Frost News
Neowiz Games has confirmed a release window for Lies of P, a dark reintertretation of Pinocchio's classic tale with a Dark Souls vibe.
After releasing a new gameplay video that showed Pinocchio fighting against some nasty steampunk monsters, Lies of P developer NeoWiz Games has provided a more accurate release window for its upcoming adventure. The announcement has been made yesterday during IGN Fan Fest through a new video that also shows new footage of the game, this time focused on the "cruel, dark Belle Époque world where you play as Pinocchio". According to the video, Lies of P will launch next...
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Marvel’s Midnight Suns to release Venom DLC
Feb 18, 2023, 5:13 PM Sacha Loric News
More Marvel’s Midnight Suns content is on the way as the lethal symbiote swings into action.
Not soon after the release of the Deadpool DLC, we are getting the original symbiote anti-hero. Marvel’s Midnight Suns Venom DLC will launch this February 23. Check out the launch trailer for the Venom DLC right here:     Lethal Protector Titled Midnight Suns “Redemption,” this DLC will see Venom, AKA Eddie Brock,...
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Destiny 2: Lightfall lets you swap equipment mid-game
Feb 17, 2023, 2:00 PM Fyra Frost News
You won't have to abandon your current activity to try out different equipment in Destiny 2: Lightfall. easily adapting to any situation.
Destiny 2: Lightfall is going to be a total game-changer for many reasons. Not only does it introduce several new subclasses whose abilities revolve around a new element, but the expansion also brings significant changes to certain gameplay systems. Some of them have already been implemented in Destiny 2 ahead of the upcoming release. For example, all players can now access armor mods, which is a huge bonus for those that want to play the free version of Bungie's shooter....
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Immortal Empires is already available for Total War: Warhammer III
Feb 17, 2023, 12:00 PM Fyra Frost News
The latest patch for Total War: Warhammer III includes this new free mode that lets you play against all other factions for world domination.
The Total War series offers a unique strategy experience where you can command massive armies in exciting real-time battles. The series extends beyond the conventional theaters of war and historical scenarios and lets you immerse yourself in the fantasy universe of Warhammer through the Total War: Warhammer series. Total War: Warhammer III is the latest installment and brings to the table a lot of novelties in the form of new gameplay mechanics, new factions, and new campaigns. But there is...
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Discover Lies of P in its new gameplay video
Feb 16, 2023, 12:00 PM Fyra Frost News
Watch Pinocchio fighting against steampunk monstrosities and discover more about the protagonist of Lies of P.
Classic tales have always been a great source of inspiration for video games. The old stories from our youth can become quite different when looked upon through a different prism, and Lies of P offers us that exactly. The story of Pinocchio has always been a favorite of the fans, and one of the most popular classic fables thanks to Disney. But the tale about the wooden marionette that wants to become a human boy has been turned into an...
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Play Far Cry 6 for free for a limited time
Feb 15, 2023, 2:30 PM Fyra Frost News
Yara is not the Caribbean paradise that it should be,  but if you lead the revolution you could give its citizens an opportunity in Far Cry 6.
Ubisoft is in the midst of making great changes that are having an impact on the release dates of upcoming important titles like Assassin's Creed Mirage. Fortunately, it does not mean that you are left without exciting games from the French company to play. In fact, you can even play the latest installment in the Far Cry series this weekend for free. Fight for the revolution Far Cry 6 takes you to the Caribbean island of Yara in an open-world...
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Dead Island 2 will launch sooner than expected
Feb 15, 2023, 11:30 AM Fyra Frost News
Deep Silver has moved the release of Dead Island 2 forward and we will be able to travel to Los Angeles to kill zombies one week earlier.
It's kind of ironic that the release of a game that has been in developement for such a long time is now moved forward. Dead Island 2 is one of the most anticipated zombie-killing games of 2023, and it's developement has been like a ride on a rollercoaster. The initial announcement was followed by plenty of uncertainty and several changes of developer studio. The situation got to a point where nobody was sure if the sequel to the iconic...
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Company of Heroes 3 aims for a spectacular return of the popular series
Feb 14, 2023, 3:00 PM Fyra Frost News
The best real-time strategy will be back on February 23 with Company of Heroes 3. Will you miss it?
Company of Heroes 3 didn't need much to catch the eyes of a huge community due to the huge popularity of its predecessor. Company of Heroes 2 is considered a cult game among fans of real-time strategy games and a favorite when it comes to games set in the World War II scenario. Intense gameplay, plenty of tactical options, the greatest attention to detail, historical accuracy, and a wide range of scenarios, armies, and campaigns are just some...
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Football Manager 2023 continues its success on PlayStation 5
Feb 14, 2023, 12:00 PM Fyra Frost News
The delay on the release date for PS5 has not diminished its popularity and Football Manager 2023 is a solid competitor for the throne.
The Football Manager series is a classic in the sports simulation genre. It takes a different approach to the action than other big titles like FIFA or PES because it has a deep focus on management. In fact, Football Manager 2023 is the most comprehensive management simulator released to date across all platforms. Its exciting features cover in all detail all the aspects of managing a big football club and offer you total control over your players on the field,...
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Wild Hearts official story trailer is here
Feb 13, 2023, 4:00 PM Murillo Zerbinatto News
The trailer introduces the narrative and explains why players must rise up and hunt the gargantuan beasts.
Wild Hearts is near us, like a beast lurking in search of its prey. The game is being developed by Omega Force, a subsidiary of Koei Tecmo. For those who don't know, the game is considered a spiritual successor to Toukiden, games from the past decade that also featured this genre of giant monster hunting. Perhaps with the resounding success of Monster Hunter: World and Monster Hunter Rise, EA was influenced to pick up the series...
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Like a Dragon: Ishin! will feature mini-games and trooper cards
Feb 13, 2023, 3:55 PM Sacha Loric News
Rest assured that you will have plenty to do in RGG Studio's remake of Like a Dragon: Ishin!
With its February release closing in, we’re getting more details about the upcoming samurai epic from the makers of Yakuza, Like a Dragon: Ishin! Firstly, the game will feature various mini-games that are sure to make your romp through the Bakumatsu era of Japan much more interesting. Second, the game will also feature a trooper cards system, which will make you more dangerous in combat.  A game within a game Like a Dragon: Ishin! Isn’t the type of game that...
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