Magic: Legends reveals its sixth class

Magic: Legends reveals its sixth class

Magic: Legends has received a lot of criticism since the open beta of the game kicked off a few days ago. The most common complaint is about one of the classes being gated between a sort of paywall. Initially, the Dimir Assassin was only obtainable from "booster packs" but the pressure caused by all the complaints made Cryptic turn it a fixed reward from the Battle Pass. Every Magic: Legends player is now able to unlock the new class in the game given that they have invested enough time in the game.

Following that announcement, the developer has also gone into detail about the Dimir Assassin in a new video that reveals all the powers of what will be the sixth Planeswalker available in Magic: Legends.



The Dimir Assassin is a deadly fighter that uses a couple of spectral knives in combat. He is the first character in Magic: Legends whose starting set of spells is not tied to a single color. He combines blue and black mana to unleash a flurry of blows upon his opponents in combat and dash through the battlefield. Also, at level 30 he will unlock the unique disinformation skill, which can also be used by other planeswalkers to debuff enemies and empower the creatures they summon. He will make extensive use of discard spells to boost his combat capabilities and control the flow of the battle. This new class is a very interesting addition to Magic: Legends and it opens the door to other classes that focus on more than one color of mana from the start.

Magic: Legends will probably be subject to more changes in the upcoming weeks, as feedback from the players that are enjoying the open beta keeps coming. The game still needs some polishing in some aspects, especially regarding the "rubberbanding" that quite a lot of players have been experiencing. We will have to wait a bit longer to see if the developers manage to solve all those problems. 

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