Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, the upcoming expansion for the latest MMORPG title of the Final Fantasy game series, has been set to launch on July 2 and with it comes a new playable class and race. Naoki Yoshida, the game's director and producer, has unveiled many details about Shadowbringers at the ongoing Final Fantasy Fan Festival in Paris. Yoshida revealed that the new class Gunbreaker, a gunblade-wielding class like Final Fantasy VIII’s Squall, will start the job at level 60 in Gridinia. However, there may be a few modifications before the release of the expansion. Gunbreakers will not be range characters but will instead play the role of tanks.
A new race will also be making its apparition with the expansion, the Viera, a rabbit-like humanoid race similar to Final Fantasy XII’s Fran.
Yoshida also announced that the new Alliance raid in Shadowbringers will be a crossover with Nier: Automata. More details about the raid will be revealed soon.
Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers will be open for pre-orders starting on February 6, and players who have availed the pre-order may be able to participate in the game’s early access on June 28. Bonus in-game items like a special Baby Gremlin minion and an Aetheryte Earring which increases EXP earned by 30% will be given to players who pre-ordered copies.