Fanatical's Play on the Go Bundle features a holiday-themed selection of Steam Deck-verified games

Fanatical's Play on the Go Bundle features a holiday-themed selection of Steam Deck-verified games

The Steam Autumn Sale has concluded, but that doesn't mean you can't continue to grab some discounts on games. While occasional discounts on Steam will still be available, you can also save a significant amount by purchasing bundles from reputable Steam key reseller sites like Fanatical. Their newest bundle, Play on the Go, is particularly appealing for Steam Deck users, as it provides a collective discount on a wide range of Verified games.

As indicated by its name, the Play on the Go bundle is specifically created for the Steam Deck, featuring only games that are Verified on the handheld device. For those unfamiliar, a Verified game functions seamlessly on the Steam Deck, allowing you to play without needing to adjust the settings for better performance. This bundle has three price tiers, starting at $4.99/4,99€/£4.99 for three games. Typically, the more games you choose, the more you save—with five available for $7.99/7,99€/£7.99 and seven for $9.99/9,99€/£9.99.

Now, let’s delve into some of the games included. UnMetal is a 2D stealth adventure in which players must navigate their escape from a military base. Filled with clever nods to iconic action films and video games (with Metal Gear being a clear reference), it offers a short yet thrilling retro-inspired experience.


Moonlighter: Complete Edition provides both the base game and the Between Dimensions expansion, introducing new foes, weapons, and more, making it perfect for those who enjoy dungeon-crawling adventures. Or Bing in Wonderland, a roguelite that entices players with its “unique Butt Slam mechanic” and “a vague and abstract art style that puts Picasso to shame.” It must be noteworthy as it boasts overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam.


The bundle features an impressive assortment of games that promise months of gameplay. The greatest advantage is that, since it’s a build-your-own bundle, you can select only the games you desire and skip the others. However, to maximize your savings, we suggest opting for the complete bundle, as it’s uncommon to find such a large selection of Steam Deck Verified games packaged together.

And as always, remember to use our comparison tool to find the best deal for your next favorite game.

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