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Fallout 76’s Battle Royale mode is here to stay

Fallout 76’s Battle Royale mode is here to stay

It´s well known that Fallout 76 has had a very rough start since it was released on November 14th, but Bethesda may have unexpectedly found the solution for their shooter with the release of a Battle Royale mode. Nuclear Winter was announced for the first time at the E3, but what started as a "pre-beta" is now going to be extended indefinitely due to the good response of the players. Nuclear Winter initially started as a week-long preview of what a Fallout 76 Battle Royale mode where up to 52 players could take part in battles for survival to become the last man standing. The mechanics of those matches are similar to the ones seen in most of the titles in the shooting genre right now. Just imagine those battles but Fallout style featuring things like nuclear bombs, C.A.M.P.S. and mutants. As you gain experience and progress through the ranks unlocking different rewards. Does all of this sound familiar to you?



But what started as a test that was supposed to end today has been confirmed to stay indefinitely as a Fallout 76 feature. This has been confirmed as an update in the official blog of the game.

We’ve been blown away by the reactions and responses we’ve been seeing all week to Nuclear Winter. It has been so amazing to read all your experiences and see everything you’ve been sharing. There are so many incredible up-and-coming Overseers! Vault 51 is lucky. With all the excitement and popularity, we wanted to let you know that the pre-beta sneak peek of Nuclear Winter will remain on and continue to receive updates, so keep sharing your feedback. There’s more to come! Thank you again for playing, sharing, and being the best community there is.


The announcement is definitely good news for everyone that bought the game and is enjoying this new mode, and probably for all the players that decided that Fallout 76 was not something for them after buying the game and may give another try to it now. After all, it seems that Bethesda is putting some effort into trying to make Fallout 76 what it should have been from the start, even if it means that the game has to do like other games before and add a Battle Royale mode that wasn´t intended to be there. If it worked for Battlefield V, why wouldn't it work for Fallout 76?

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