E3 2018: recap previous to the start

E3 2018: recap previous to the start

It's been a very long weekend. E3 2018 officially starts today but during the last few days, some big companies have revealed their plans for the immediate future regarding new launches and more. This is the case of Microsoft, Bethesda and Electronic Arts among others. Most of the games announced were expected but there have been some surprises too. EA had a many things prepared for the show and there was a great expectation regarding some of their announcements, specially the one related to Athem. You can watch the new cinematic trailer below and also take a look at the gameplay features video. You also have to know that it will launch on February 22nd for PC, PS4 and Xbox One, it's not an MMO, it can be played single player or co-op, and it will have no loot boxes.



DICE confirmed that Battlefield 5 will have a battle royale mode, and Respawn teased Jedi: Fallen Order, their upcoming Star Wars title taking place between episode 3 and episode 4. Other announcements were that Champions League will be part of the FIFA franchise, Madden is coming to PC for the first time, and the indie Unravel will get a sequel featuring co-operative gameplay for 2 players. You can watch the whole EA Play Live Conference below if you don't want to miss any details.



Bethesda dropped a few bombs during their conference: The Elder Scrolls VI is on the works, as well as a DOOM sequel, DOOM Eternal. We also learned that Rage 2 will be out spring 2019 and that Fallout 76 will be an online open world survival title.



Microsoft's conference was a rather long event, with more than 100 minutes of nonstop announcements. Some of the most relevant games shown include Sheriko: Shadows Die Twice from the creators of the Dark Souls series, CD Projekt RED's Cyberpunk 2077, Devil May Cry 5, The División 2, and Just Cause 4. You can watch the full conference below, and believe me, it's really worth watching.



That's all for today but remember that there is much more to come during the week!

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