Sumo Digital launched the third installment of the Crackdown series not too long ago. It´s a great game that allows you to blow things up to your heart's content using powerful weapons and your superpowers through the single-player campaign. Once you are done beating criminals and kingpins you can jump into the Wrecking Zone multiplayer mode and compete against other players. As you can imagine, the level of destruction increases exponentially as more super-powered Agents take part in the fight. Add to that a fully destructible environment and you end with lots of multiplayer fun.
If you thought that couldn't get any better you may be just wrong because Sumo Digital revealed through a post on the official Twitter account of the game that they are releasing a new free update for the game that adds the long-awaited team support to the Wrecking Zone. You don't need to go solo anymore! You can team up with your friends to lay waste to the scenario and obliterate your enemies. This change obviously opens up a wide range of strategic possibilities in the game and combining your efforts with your teammates will definitely prove to be quite rewarding and probably lead to epic team vs. team encounters. But that´s not the only surprise, because you can also get some extra content for the previous games in the series, and completely free too! The "Get Busy" DLC is free for the original Crackdown, and the owners of Crackdown 2 can also download now "Deluge" and "Toybox" DLC packs without having to pay for them.
Heads-up, Agents! Today, we’re releasing an update that brings Squad-support to Wrecking Zone! We’re also making CD1’s “Getting Busy” DLC as well as CD2’s “Deluge” and “Toybox” packs FREE to download. So grab those bits, gather your friends, and have a BOOMTASTIC weekend!
— Crackdown (@crackdown) April 19, 2019
If you own any of the games of the Crackdown series you are up for some good things, pretty much. And in case you haven´t tried any of those yet, remember that you can always find the best pricesfor Crackdown 3 through our comparator.