Cities: Skylines II boasts unprecedented levels of simulation detail

Cities: Skylines II boasts unprecedented levels of simulation detail

Having Cities: Skylines as a foundation for the development of the second installment in the popular city builder series is bound to yield spectacular results. If the first game features a very deep level of simulation mechanics that made it quite realistic, developer Paradox Interactive has gone a long way to surpass these in Cities Skylines II. The sequel will feature a series of enhanced simulation mechanics that will take the gameplay to new heights of realism integrating them into an experience that aims to become the best in the genre.

Smart AI design

Cities: Skylines II will introduce a wide range of novelties that will make your life as a city builder easier, with more flexible and adaptative tools. the new road-building tools make creating your city much easier, as you can design and manipulate them with fewer clicks, adapt them to your needs, automatically place intersections, and more. The addition of parking lots will also be important to control the flow and destination of the traffic in your city.



When it comes to traffic, Cities: Skylines II features the most detailed simulation ever. The game takes into account a plethora of factors to calculate the flow of vehicles in your city. The system used to work based on proximity, but it now takes into account the age of the citizens and their preferences. Young citizens usually earn lower wages and their priorities lean toward the costs of parking. Meanwhile, older citizens prefer to get faster to their destination. All these factors and more are important when Cities: Skylines II generates the traffic in your city, transforming it into a sort of organic element that changes depending on variables like time, comfort, behavior, and money.



Cities: Skylines II promises to deliver an experience with an unprecedented level of realism with its predecessor's mechanics as a foundation. The release of the game is scheduled for October 24, 2023, on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. You can use our comparator to get a cheap Cities: Skylines II code if you want to immerse into one of the best simulation experiences as soon as it's available.

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