Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Season 4, all details revealed

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Season 4, all details revealed

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III keeps alive the iconic FPC series alongside its F2P Warzone counterpart. The game is already in its third season, each of them adding new gameplay modes, additional multiplayer maps, collaborations, and more. The next season will kick off next week and Activision wants to get players ready for what's coming with the release of a spectacular video that showcases many of the novelties coming to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III and Warzone this month.

Season 4 Intel Drop

The amount of content and changes coming to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III on Season 4 is quite huge. Activision covers them all in detail in a lengthy post on the official website of the game but we have summarized the most important ones for you.

The new season will revolve around the discovery of a mysterious DNA bomb in Urzikstan with a story whose ramifications will expand across all aspects of the game. At launch, Season 4 will feature new 6v6 Multiplayer maps that will take you through several locations across the world, including Tokyo and Paris. These will arrive accompanied by the new gameplay modes. In Demolition mode, which pits two teams against each other, the attackers have to try and defuse two bombs before the time runs out, and the defenders have to prevent that at any cost. Meanwhile, in Hyper Cranked mode, you have to achieve chain kills in order to stay alive and not explode. The main difference with the original Cranked mode is that you start buffed up and with the countdown to explode running. Season 4 will also introduce new Playlist modifiers, additional customization options for your character, and new perks.



When it comes to Zombies, you will have to wait until mid-season to see some novelties. Once they arrive, you will take part in missions to close "Unstable Rifts" by entering them and destroying all zombies inside. Alongside the Zombies content, Call of Duty Modern: Warfare III will receive new gameplay modes, multiplayer maps, and more.

All this free content will keep Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III players quite busy for a while. If you don't want to miss any of it, feel free to find the cheapest Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III digital codes with our comparator and get ready to jump into the best multiplayer action.

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May 21, 2024, 2:10 PM
season 4: gas masks and green lights. all the good ones require COD points
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