Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still in the works

Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still in the works

Several years after its announcement and with little info revealed about the game, Beyond Good and Evil 2 is back in the news. Everyone agreed that the departure of Michel Ancel from the world of video games would have an impact on the development of the prequel to Beyond Good and Evil. Ubisoft's level of communication about the game has been rather inexistent, and many of us just thought that the new game could have been canceled, as happened to other projects of the French company. It's somewhat surprising that a game whose announcement received such a warm welcome was to be abandoned. After all, the Beyond Good and Evil 2 announcement video is spectacular, and the community is eager to play the game.



Development continues

Fortunately, it seems that the development of Beyond Good and Evil 2 continues, and the information has been revealed in an unexpected way. Sarah Arellano has worked as a narrative designer for other video game developers, and she is the latest recruit to join the Beyond Good and Evil 2 development team, as announced by her on her personal Twitter account. 



Ubisoft confirmed this information later. Beyond Good and Evil 2 is still one of their projects, and they are working hard to finish the game. Although it's reassuring to know that we will be able to play the game in the future, it would be nice to have more information about it. Hiring a new lead writer five years after the game was announced implies that there is still a lot of work to do with the game, and it wouldn't be rare if we had to wait quite a few months to access it. In any case, you will be able to find the best price to buy your Beyond Good and Evil 2 code on our comparator as soon as it's available. 

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