Apex Legends on a roll with 25 million players in a week

Apex Legends on a roll with 25 million players in a week

Yahoo! Finance recently reported that Apex Legends is an early hit for Electronic Arts Incorporated. This doesn’t come as a surprise when they hit 10 million players in the first three days of the launch, and now 25 million players in just a week and a peak of over 2 million of concurrent users. This number may as well put Apex in the league of Fornite but that's just too early to tell.

Apex Legends is a free to play battle royale game developed by Respawn. In the announcement made by Vince Zampella (Respawn Entertainment) in EA’s blog, he said that the game is doing more than great. In the same post, he also announced upcoming events for Apex Legends. One of those is the one that Twitch is sponsoring, called Twitch Rivals Challenge. It is an event that will pit 48 of the biggest streamers together to compete against each other for $200.000 in prizes. This event will be held today and again on February 19. Aside from that, Apex Legends will also have a Valentine’s Day event where the player gets Valentine’s themed loot. Last on the list is the Apex Legends Battle Pass that will premiere on March. There will be new characters, new legends, loot, weapons, and many more.

Why the buzz? Apex Legends is doing remarkably well and the buzz isn’t dying anytime soon. So why? The magic is probably due to their accessibility settings. Polygon’s Cass Marshall wrote about the shockingly good settings of Apex and specifically the audio section of the menu and its varied options. Apex went beyond and took extra measures to accommodate players who may have difficulties in hearing, speech, and sight. For more of these options, give Marshall’s opinion a go. Below there is a recap/review of Apex Legends. See for yourself!




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