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Anthem’s latest patch adds a new Stronghold and many fixes

Anthem’s latest patch adds a new Stronghold and many fixes

Anthem continues struggling to take off properly, but nobody can deny that the guys from Bioware are putting a lot of effort trying to make their shooter a much better game. Not only they are adding extra contents to the game quite often, but they are also addressing all kind of issues that may appear in the game as swift as possible and also taking advice from the players. That´s definitely something worthy of praise.



Anthem patch 1.1 introduces a new Stronghold that will be added to the previous three in the game. The Sunken Cell is available to all players that managed to finish the main story of the game. Strongholds are the hardest missions in the game, and all of them have a final boss with special mechanics. Of course, they provide the highest amount of rewards if you manage to complete them, so make sure to bring a good group of friends with you, especially on higher difficulties. Gameplay in Anthem will also become more fluid after this patch because you will be able to pick missions directly from the start expedition screen and the end expedition screen. You will also be able to visit the forge to change your equipment loadout without having to go back to the base. Those changes alone will have a huge impact on the experience for most players, as moving through Fort Tarsis to pick missions and equip gear was kind of tedious.

On the novelties side, a few new Universal Masterwork Components are available now to the players, including the Extended Sniper Magazine, Rapid Hollow Points, and the Extended Special Arms Magazine. Anthem patch 1.1 is rather big, and it comes with a lot of balance adjustments and bug fixes, but you can check the whole patch notes here.

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