Watch another leader of the Chaos Dwarfs in action

Watch another leader of the Chaos Dwarfs in action

The second Legendary Lord featured in Total War: WARHAMMER III - Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs is no other than Drazhoath the Ashen. The leader of the Legion of Azgorh rides a fiery Bale Taurus in battle and favors the use of sorcery and war machinery to obliterate his foes. His powerful artillery and firing lines can make destruction rain on the enemy from a distance, getting them ready to be trampled by Skullcrackers. These engines of destruction are full of blades and spikes and can shred their way through any unit, no matter how heavily armored it is. 

If you add some dark sorcety to the mix, you will find out that Drazhoath the Ashen commands armies capable of facing any enemy on equal ground in Total War: Warhammer III. You can watch him giving the Lizardmen and Dwarves a good beating in the latest Total War: WARHAMMER III - Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs video.



Machines of destruction

Drazhoath's campaign in Total War: Warhammer III starts in The Black Fortress, and he is surrounded by a variety of factions that include Vampire Counts, Ogres, High Elves, and the ever-present Skaven. Raw strength and diplomacy will be the key to his expansion through the region as he amass enough power to fight the hated Dwarfs. The Hell Forge will be a key element in this process. It will allow the Chaos Dwarf leader to recruit Infernal units and War Machines. Ultimately, he will even be able to deploy a gigantic K'daai Destroyer to claim sacrifices for the glory of Hashut.

The Chaos Dwarfs do not discriminate when it comes to burning enemy forces to a crisp and adding the survivors to their workforce. After all, labor is what fuels progress for the Dawi Zharr, along with hatred, violence, and sorcery, of course.

Drazhoath the Ashen is just one of the three Legendary Lords that Total War: WARHAMMER III - Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs will bring to the game. The DLC will be available to play on April 13, and you can pre-order your Forge of the Chaos Dwarfs Steam key at the best price with our comparator already.

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