The recent launch of Age of Empires IV does not imply that previous installments in the series are completely abandoned. After all, the long-lived real-time strategy series has a lot of fans, and many players still enjoy previous titles. This is the case of Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition, a remaster of the original game that was released in 2020 and gives you access to the base game and all the expansions. Ensemble Studios has just confirmed the release date for a new DLC focused on the Mediterranean area that adds new civilizations and gameplay features to a title already packed with content.
The new expansion adds a total of 30 new maps to Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition. For the first time in the series, players will be able to take part in some of the most memorable conflicts in the European continent on eight different historical maps that range from the Napoleonic Wars to the Thirty Years' War. Each of them includes unique objectives, but the maps are randomly generated, so you can play them over and over.
Knights of the Mediterranean also includes two new civilizations, the Italians and the Maltese. While the Italians have a thriving economy and efficient architects that greatly improve their building and expansion, the Maltese are experts in fortifications that are also quite versed in naval combat. Each civilization features unique buildings, cards, and units.
But that's not all. Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition players that own the new expansion will have access to new gameplay modes. In Diplomacy, you can change your allegiance to other players during the match. In contrast, Tychoon radically changes the game to allow you to focus solely on the economy of your civilization to make it the strongest.
Knights of the Mediterranean will launch on May 26th on PC. As usual, you can use our comparator to check out the best video game deals and buy your Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition PC key cheap anytime.