World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is coming this fall

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is coming this fall

It was somewhat expected that World of Warcraft would receive its upcoming expansion at some point this year, but given the huge amount of delays and cancelations that we have seen happening in recent months, we have had to wait for Blizzard to confirm it to be really sure about it. World of Warcraft executive producer John Hight has been very clear about it  on his last statement on this matter:

"You have our commitment that we will be releasing Shadowlands this fall, even if we end up shipping it from our homes."

This was revealed during yesterday's Shadowlands developer update, which we have been waiting for since June, and that was delayed due to the Black Lives Matter protests.

The developer update also gave us some insight on some of the novelties that Shadowlands will bring to the game, including new dungeons like Theater of War, or the different features that each of the covenants will offer to the players that decide to join them as they explore the new region. 



The most important thing about the development of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands that was revealed yesterday is that the beta is ready and that invites for it will be starting to be sent very soon. Make sure that you have chosen to be eligible to participate in said beta phase on your account preferences if you want to opt-in. Of course, all of Shadowlands content won't be available to beta testers and there will be some limits, but as the beta phase progresses, Blizzard will open more features to the testers, including new raids and PvP.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands beta is supposed to kick off next week. Do not forget to check your email just in case you are one of the lucky ones selected to take part in it.

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