Magic Legends unveils a new class

Magic Legends unveils a new class

In 2017 Wizards of the Coast announced that the universe of Magic The Gathering would be represented in the form of an MMORPG. When Magic Legends was unveiled at the Game Awards in December 2019, we naturally thought that the game would be one of those, but according to what we have seen so far the game looks more like an action RPG, or even like a hack 'n' slash. That said, we also know that it will be playable in coop, and should offer MMO elements, which we hardly see for now.

The release of Magic Legends is planned for this year on PC and for 2021 on Playstation 4 and Xbox One. Although some information about the game has already been revealed, like the fact that we will play as a Planeswalker, the game is still going through alpha testing. Each of the classes in Magic Legends will correspond to one of the mana colors in the Magic The Gathering card game, namely, blue, red, green, white, and black. We already knew about the first three, the Mind Mage, the Geomancer, and the Beastcaller, but a fourth one has been revealed, the Sanctifier. The Sanctifier is the white-colored Planeswalker, and like in the card game, it is closely related to the light:

Whether it is punishing the enemy with blazing light projectiles or healing the wounds of their companions, Sanctifiers are second to none. Call upon angels, paladins, and other followers devoted to a noble cause to protect you as your righteous wrath descends on the opposition.



The Sanctifier is a class that will fight from a distance and that can heal its allies. He will have a whole range of offensive and defensive spells available, and he will be able to summon creatures with lifelink.

With the Sactifier, there is only one of the classes that will be available at the launch of Magic Legends to be discovered. Although we do not know yet when the free-to-play game will be released, you can register to participate in the beta.

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