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Game catalog Battle Royale

Are you ready to jump headfirst (most of the time by parachute) into battles in huge open fields, and fight against a disproportionate number of players who share with you the lust of excelling among all others? Whether it's pseudo-realistic shootouts like in PUBG or CoD: Warzone, futuristic battles like in Fortnite and Apex Legends, or pure platforming fun like in Fall Guys, the Battle Royale genre has taken E-Sports to the top, putting hundreds of players in the same arenas and forcing them to compete so that one team (or one individual) can enjoy the supreme glory of being the last one standing. Your purpose in life will become the goal of surpassing your neighbor, and only those who have managed to do it at least once know that thrill. Join dozens and dozens of players, find new friends to back you up, and, most importantly, new enemies to face!

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