Buy Tom Clancy's The Division at the Best Price

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The United States government collapsed after a virus spread at an amazing speed through the country. Basic services start failing and the country is in a complete chaos. In the middle of this mayhem, Strategic Homeland Division, an elite organization from the government is activated as the last resource in an attempt to control the situation. You are one of its agents and as part of The Division you are tasked with taking back the control of New York City along with your comrades. You will get yourself involved in a global conspiracy orchestrated to change world order. Tom Clancy’s The Division is an online open world role-playing shooting game with survival elements that is played in third-person view. Gameplay is similar to other third-person shooters but you will gain experience as you progress through the game and complete missions, using it to gain access to improved character skills, upgrade gear, and customize your looks. The game includes a competitive player versus player multiplayer mode with a separate ranking that takes place in the Dark Zone, a highly contaminated zone of Manhattan that is in quarantine. You will go in there alone or in teams of up to 4 players. This is the most dangerous area of the city, a traitorous place where even your own teammates can betray you, but it is also where the best loot is located. Do you have what’s needed to take New York back from chaos? Prove it and become part of The Division.

Best deals for Tom Clancy's The Division

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PC  · Epic Games
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PC  · Uplay
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PC  · Delivery
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Gold Edition
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PC  · Uplay
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PC  · Steam
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(*) The best price is currently $2.49. We discovered this product available from 21 vendors supporting 6 DRM systems: Digital Download, UPlay, Sony PSN, Xbox Live, Epic Games & Steam on 4 platforms - PC, PS4, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 2 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 116 digital offers. and 21 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 152 comments already shared.

Comments on Tom Clancy's The Division

Mar 21, 2016, 8:51 AM on
Vivement une baisse de prix. Car 2 semaine avant la sortie le prix pc sur instant gaming était de 32€ et la supérieur à 40€. Mais bon pourquoi ne pas se faire de l'argent si les personnes continu de l'acheter a ce prix la xD.
I can't wait for a price drop. Because 2 weeks before the release, the price of the pc on instant gaming was 32€ and now it's over 40€. But why not make money if people continue to buy it at this price xD.
Quentin Giliberto
Feb 6, 2016, 8:33 AM on
Je voudrais ce jeu car franchement aux premiers abords ce jeu ma vraiment plu j'ai regardé le trailer et des extraits du jeu et je suis comblé par la beauté du gameplay.
I would like this game because frankly at first sight I really liked this game. I watched the trailer and some extracts of the game and I am filled by the beauty of the gameplay.
Feb 5, 2016, 7:04 PM on
Salut, je vais faire comme un certain nombre de personne ici, pourquoi je veux The Division? Depuis le temps que je connais ce site, j'ai acheté malin sur beaucoup de site, aujourd'hui vous nous donnez l'opportunité de gagner malin :) Et bien voilà, j'ai un ami qui est très impatient d'avoir ce jeu, et il arrête pas de me dire "achètes le, achètes le" voilà donc s'il vous plait, pour le surprendre laissez moi gagner le jeu, comme ça je pourrais dire "je l'ai pas acheté, je l'ai gagné". Merci :)
Hi, I'm going to do like a number of people here, why do I want The Division? Since the time I know this site, I bought smart on many sites, today you give us the opportunity to win smart :) Well here it is, I have a friend who can't wait to get this game, and he keeps telling me "buy it, buy it" so please, to surprise him let me win the game, so I can say "I didn't buy it, I won it". Thanks :)
Feb 5, 2016, 6:27 PM on
J'ai pu tester The division sur la Beta, et même si cette dernière était un peu décevante de par le vide intersidéral du contenu proposé pour la beta, les quelques minutes de solo et l’aperçu de la darkzone ont montré suffisamment de promesses pour qu'on tienne peut être un grand hit. J'aimerai le vérifier par moi même en gagnant le jeu!
I was able to test The Division on the Beta, and even if it was a bit disappointing because of the void of the content proposed for the beta, the few minutes of single player and the preview of the darkzone showed enough promise that we may be holding a big hit. I'd like to check it by myself by winning the game!
Feb 5, 2016, 5:39 PM on
Je n'ai pas pu y jouer pendant la bêta fermée faute de clé :( . J'ai donc demandé à un ami qui lui y a eu accès de streamer à chaque fois qu'il jouait pour que je puisse suivre ^^ . Et qu'est ce que j'ai aimé ! Je l'ai presque maudit pendant qu'il jouait ( et moi je regardais donc ) en lui disant à quel point j'aimerais être à sa place ahah ! Cela serait vraiment juste génial si je pouvais le gagner ! Merci pour vos concours :)
I couldn't play it during the closed beta because I didn't have a key :( . So I asked a friend who had access to it to stream every time he played so I could follow ^^ . And what I liked! I almost cursed him while he was playing (and I was watching) telling him how much I would like to be in his place ahah ! It would be really just great if I could win it! Thanks for your contests :)
Feb 5, 2016, 5:17 PM on
Depuis le TPS Defiance j'attends The Division, j'ai eu l'occasion de participer a la dernière bêta ce jeu est sublime, j'attends sa sorti avec impatience maintenant, merci a DLCompare pour ce concours et pour trouver toujours les meilleurs prix en ligne !
Since the TPS Defiance I'm waiting for The Division, I had the opportunity to participate to the last beta this game is sublime, I'm waiting for its release with impatience now, thanks to DLCompare for this contest and for always finding the best prices online!
Feb 5, 2016, 3:49 PM on
Cela fait longtemps que j'attends The division, après les multiples teasing (dont Ubi a le secret) mon intérêt n'a été que grandissant, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit cristallisé le WE dernier où je me suis régalé avec la béta, pourtant très perfectible. Vous imaginerez donc sans peine que je trépigne d'impatience de pouvoir mettre les doigts sur la version finale, et voir si Ubi tient sa promesse (de contenu, de correction de bugs, de visuels à couper le souffle, etc.). DL COMPARE je compte sur vous!
I've been waiting for The Division for a long time, and after the multiple teasings (which Ubi has the secret of) my interest has only grown, until it was crystallized last week end when I enjoyed the beta, even though it was very perfectible. So you can imagine that I can't wait to be able to put my fingers on the final version, and see if Ubi keeps its promise (of content, bug fixes, breathtaking visuals, etc.). DL COMPARE I count on you!
Feb 4, 2016, 8:02 PM on
J attendais The Division depuis longtemps et ayant pu jouer avec 2 amis sur la beta , il me fait tres envie ! le " solo " : Sympa mais sans plus et je trouvais la carte petite mais va falloir marcher , finalement elle est bien assez grande ^^ . La DZ : le système de renégats est tres bien fait , c est intense et prenant quand on a du loot , bonne idée pour les bots en DZ ;mais tout seul c est quasi la mort assuré ! Dommage pour la reserve , pas assez de place pour un collectionneur comme moi^^.
I was waiting for The Division for a long time and having been able to play with 2 friends on the beta, I'm very envious! the "solo": Nice but without more and I found the map small but will have to walk, finally it is quite large ^^. The DZ: the renegade system is very well done, it's intense and addictive when you have loot, good idea for the bots in DZ; but alone it's almost death guaranteed! Too bad for the reserve, not enough place for a collector like me ^^.
Feb 4, 2016, 12:01 AM on
Comment passer à côté de ce jeu d'ubisoft que je n'attendais vraiment plus , et qui n'a pas cesser de me surprendre durant le week end de bêta qu'ils nous ont gracieusement offert ! Je participe donc au concours organisé par Dlcompare qui peut être me donnera accès au jeu final là aussi gracieusement offert et ce sera alors probablement l'une des plus marquantes expérience vidéo-ludique de ces dernières années. Merci Dlcompare, merci Gamesplanet, merci pour les joueurs!
How could I miss this game from ubisoft that I really didn't expect anymore, and that didn't stop surprising me during the beta week end that they graciously offered us! So I participate to the contest organized by Dlcompare which may give me access to the final game, also graciously offered, and it will probably be one of the most memorable video game experience of these last years. Thank you Dlcompare, thank you Gamesplanet, thank you for the players!
Feb 2, 2016, 11:48 PM on
J'ai eu la chance de pouvoir tester la beta de the division, jeu que j'avais oublié malgré ses trailers de l'e3 2013. Quelle erreur! Le jeu s'avère assez prometteur avec un jeu optimisé, bien aimé le gameplay clavier/souris notamment. Sachant que pendant la beta on avait pas tout le contenu, je n'ai qu'une envie, c'est de pouvoir jouer day one et découvrir toutes les possibilités avec mes amis!
I was lucky enough to be able to test the beta of the division, a game I had forgotten about despite its trailers from e3 2013. What a mistake! The game is quite promising with an optimized game, I liked the keyboard/mouse gameplay in particular. Knowing that during the beta we didn't have all the content, I just want to play day one and discover all the possibilities with my friends!
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  • Technical information

  • Official website : Tom Clancy's The Division
  • Categories : Action, Adventure, Role-Playing, Mmorpg, Survival
  • Editor : Ubisoft
  • Developer : Massive Entertainment
  • Mode(s) : Solo
  • Release date : March 7, 2016
  • System Requirements
    • Minimum
    • OS : Windows 7
    • CPU : Core i5-2400 / FX-6100
    • RAM : 6 GB
    • GPU : Geforce GTX 560 / Radeon HD 7770
    • Storage : 40 GB
    • Recommended
    • CPU : Core i7-3770 / FX-8350
    • RAM : 8 GB
    • GPU : GeForce GTX 970 / Radeon R9 290
    • Storage : 40 GB
  • Age Rating
  • PEGI 18 ESRB M
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