Buy Final Fantasy XIV : A Realm Reborn at the Best Price

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Final Fantasy XIV returns in finer form as Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. An epic MMORPG that improves the original on every level, A Realm Reborn is both a sequel and a replacement of FF XIV. After the events of the previous game, you are thrown five years into the future to escape the calamity wrought by the primal dragon Bahamut, only to find that the rebuilt land of Eorza is under attack by the Garlean Empire. Called to arms by the MotherCrystal, you must defend the kingdom before it falls to this new threat.

Choose a class from classic Final Fantasy jobs. Jobs are selected through the weapons you choose for your character. You can be a master of combat, magic, crafts, or gathering. You may also harvest Materia from equipment to strengthen your current gear. 

There’s so much adventuring to do in the land of Eorza. You can choose to further the story through the main quest or clear any instanced dungeons that appear. You can also participate in Full Active Time Events (FATE), where you play simultaneously with a large number of other players. From these quests, you earn treasure as well as XP that will let you level up and acquire new skills. 

And if these aren’t enough, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn also offers 4-member PvP through the Arena. Or you can fight in Frontlines, a large battleground with up to 24 players. Finally, you can compete in Rival Wings, where you send armies of minions to take out enemy assets. A Realm Reborn is packed with activities fit for a true adventurer, so embark now on this Final Fantasy.

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Best deals for Final Fantasy 14 A Realm Reborn

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PC  · Steam
Starter Edition
PC  · Digital download
United States
discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
$28.00  $25.20
PC  · Steam
Complete Edition
PC  · Steam
Account selling
discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
$5.04  $4.54

(*) The best price is currently $4.54. We discovered this product available from 4 vendors supporting 3 DRM systems: Steam, Digital Download & Sony PSN on 2 platforms - PC & PS4. The game comes in 4 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 8 digital offers. and 1 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 50 comments already shared.

Comments on Final Fantasy XIV : A Realm Reborn

Jun 26, 2024, 5:03 PM
Reborn like the phoenix, Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is the demonstration that, when all seems lost, it is possible to create something successful. The title was able to conquer and maintain a large group of fans, so much so that it can still boast today of being one of the very rare MMORPGs capable of resisting with the traditional monthly subscription model. We descend into the frozen and floating lands of the first major expansion of Final Fantasy XIV.
Jun 28, 2024, 4:29 PM on
Début lent bien qu'une réduction du nombre de quêtes à faire a été déployé mais l'expérience reste tout de même plaisante surtout avec la suite d'extensions qui ne font qu'améliorer ce jeu
A slow start, although the number of quests has been reduced, but the experience is still pleasant, especially with the series of expansions that only improve the game.
Jun 28, 2024, 9:41 AM on
El desarrollo se caracteriza por la realización de misiones principales y secundarias. Las principales son las que tienen que ver con la trama principal del juego y son algo más complicadas de completar
The development is characterized by the completion of main and secondary missions. The main ones are those that have to do with the main plot of the game and are somewhat more complicated to complete.
Jun 28, 2024, 8:32 AM on
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn es un juegazo. No solo mantiene toda la esencia y la magia de esta fantástica saga, sino que es mucho más Final Fantasy que cualquiera de sus últimas entregas offline
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is a great game. Not only does it maintain all the essence and magic of this fantastic saga, but it is much more Final Fantasy than any of its latest offline installments.
Jun 27, 2024, 6:58 PM on
Je trouve que c'est abusé de faire payer encore et encore et de devoir en plus s'abonner pour pouvoir jouer... perso j'ai pas les moyens donc pas d'avis sur le jeu :/ même si il me fait grave envie.
I think it's too much to charge again and again, and to have to subscribe in order to play... personally, I can't afford it, so I have no opinion on the game :/ even though I really want to play it.
6650b9aeb29f2@austin miguel rodriguez santos
Jun 27, 2024, 2:35 AM on
Yo estoy post ARR. La verdad es que hay que tener paciencia porque el inicio es lento y aburrido. Si no fuera por la ilusión de empezar un juego nuevo, no habría llegado a donde estoy. A partir del nivel 45, cuando empiezas a luchar contra los primals, la cosa se anima. Otra cosa es que como estés en Free Trial como yo, te sientes un poco solo por las restricciones.
I am post ARR. The truth is that you have to be patient because the start is slow and boring. If it wasn't for the illusion of starting a new game, I wouldn't have gotten to where I am now. From level 45, when you start to fight against the primals, things get livelier. Another thing is that if you are in Free Trial like me, you feel a bit lonely because of the restrictions.
Jun 26, 2024, 9:37 PM on
A Realm Reborn a vraiment relancé FFXIV de manière incroyable ! Le monde est super immersif, les quêtes sont intéressantes, et le gameplay est fluide. Les graphismes et la musique sont top, et le contenu est très riche pour un MMO. Si vous n'avez pas encore essayé FFXIV, c'est le moment parfait pour plonger dedans. Franchement, je ne regrette pas une seconde d'avoir rejoint l'aventure !
A Realm Reborn has given FFXIV an incredible boost! The world is super immersive, the quests are interesting, and the gameplay is fluid. The graphics and music are top-notch, and the content is very rich for an MMO. If you haven't tried FFXIV yet, now's the perfect time to dive in. Frankly, I don't regret joining the adventure for a second!
Jun 26, 2024, 6:47 PM on
Final Fantasy es una de las mejores franquicias de juegos de rol en mi opinión. He interpretado algunas partes, pero no he probado ninguna de las de MMO. A Realm Reborn se ve muy bien, aunque sería mejor si uno pudiera pagar el juego una vez y jugar sin ningún gasto adicional.
Final Fantasy is one of the best RPG franchises in my opinion. I've played a few parts, but haven't tried any of the MMO ones. A Realm Reborn looks great, although it would be better if one could pay for the game once and play without any additional costs.
Jun 26, 2024, 6:34 PM on
A l'époque, A realm reborn avait vraiment permis de redorer le blason de FF14. La première édition était catastrophique, grâce à Yoshida, on a vraiment eu un bon MMORPG.
At the time, A realm reborn really helped to restore FF14's reputation. The first edition was catastrophic, but thanks to Yoshida, we really had a good MMORPG.
Jun 30, 2024, 10:50 PM
it was ok, liked others better. it is still good enough to try at the least
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