Buy Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint at the Best Price

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This new game from Ubisoft's Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon franchise series takes you away from Bolivia and to a fictional Pacific Island, Auroa. Similar to its predecessor, Ghost Recon Wildlands features an open world environment with promising isolated snowy peaks, abandoned urban areas, lush rainforests, and sandy, rocky hillsides. Again you play as Nomad, a member of the Delta Company, First Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group, also known as "Ghosts," a fictional elite special operations unit of the United States Army under the Joint Special Operations Command.

After crash landing on the island, you have to regroup with your team and other agents, overcoming a series of obstacles often led by a mysterious group hunting you down. The presence of a Skell technology facility on the island gives your opponents access to some advanced technology. Tailed by advanced drones, the followers of company leader Jace Skell, and the mysterious pack of Wolves, you will have to discover what is happening on Auroa.
In single-player mode, a drone will help you pull off some of the feats you'd usually accomplish in co-op. Survival plays a big part in Breakpoint, with an injury system being an important feature. In Breakpoint, you’ll get specific injuries which will affect you in different ways, such as slowing you down or affecting your gun-slinging abilities. Tied into this, there is a camouflage ability that will allow you to stay hidden in tough spots or if you're injured. Of course, there is also the co-op and the multiplayer PvP we love from the series.

At launch, there will be four character classes available, and more classes will come after launch with the updates that Ubisoft has confirmed for the first year. Count on a lot of extra downloadable content, like story-related stuff, new gear, and special events. Raids are coming, too, which are new to the series.

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Best deals for Ghost Recon Breakpoint

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Code for PS4 that needs to be activated on Playstation Network.

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

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(*) The best price is currently $1.49. We discovered this product available from 21 vendors supporting 5 DRM systems: Steam, Sony PSN, UPlay, Xbox Live & Epic Games on 5 platforms - PC, PS5, PS4, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 5 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 241 digital offers. and 28 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 30 comments already shared.

Comments on Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint

viktor ryzkov
Oct 13, 2019, 3:51 PM
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint is a hybrid of all Ubisoft sandboxes. You can scold her endlessly. It looks bad on the PS4, it is very difficult to manage and sometimes behaves as if it does not want to be played. But if you get comfortable, and even in the company of friends, then the tactical sandbox really reveals its potential - so much so that you can get bogged down for tens of hours
Oct 12, 2019, 8:53 PM
This game take open world game to another level after good experience with wildlands it would be great to try this one trough this GIVEAWAYS i would finish with 100% Achivement
Oct 17, 2019, 1:08 PM on
ayant participé à l'alpha et aux beta, j'ai vraiment apprécié le jeu qui est une bonne évolution de Wildlands. Le jeu est beau, l'environnement est varié, l'histoire semble bateau à première vue, mais qui sait, on n'est pas à l'abri d'un twist surprenant. Les phases d'infiltration sont prenantes et les fights assez nerveux. Le titre est agréable à jouer. Je participe donc au concours en espérant prolonger mon expérience dans ce jeu.
Having participated in the alpha and beta, I really enjoyed the game which is a good evolution of Wildlands. The game is beautiful, the environment is varied, the story seems to be a bit of a mess at first glance, but who knows, there might be a surprising twist. The infiltration phases are interesting and the fights are quite nervous. The title is pleasant to play. So I participate to the contest hoping to extend my experience in this game.
Oct 16, 2019, 7:11 PM on
En 2023, les meurtres politiques propagés par des drones de la firme du milliardaire Jace Skell se multiplient. Après que tout contact ait été perdu avec Auroa, île fictive abritant le siège de Skell Technology, l’équipe des Ghosts est envoyée sur l’île. Cette simple mission de reconnaissance menée par le joueur se transforme en véritable mission de survie1 lorsque l’unité est prise d’assaut par les Wolves, d’anciens Ghosts menés par Cole D. Walker et pris le contrôle de l’île.
In 2023, political murders spread by drones of billionaire Jace Skell's firm are multiplying. After all contact is lost with Auroa, the fictional island where Skell Technology is headquartered, the Ghosts team is sent to the island. This simple player-led reconnaissance mission turns into a true survival mission1 when the unit is taken over by the Wolves, former Ghosts led by Cole D. Walker, and takes control of the island.
Oct 16, 2019, 9:43 AM on
Ca a l'air d'être une tuerie malgré la tonne de micro transaction, je parcticipe au concours pour avoir la joie de botter le cul de Jon Bernthal en coop avec mon frère :D
It looks like a killer despite the ton of micro transactions, I'm entering the contest to have the joy of kicking Jon Bernthal's ass in co-op with my brother :D
Oct 15, 2019, 5:19 PM on
Jeune streamer, je cherche à étoffer mon panel de jeux. Ce titre serait parfait pour moi et me permettrait de montrer des jeux différents à ma communauté.
As a young streamer, I'm looking to expand my game lineup. This title would be perfect for me and would allow me to show different games to my community.
Oct 15, 2019, 1:41 PM on
J'ai entendu beaucoup de bien sur ce jeu et j'ai eu l'occasion de tester la bêta avec laquelle j'avais pris beaucoup de plaisir, donc je participe au concours pour pouvoir reprendre du plaisir sur ce jeu !
I heard a lot of good things about this game and I had the opportunity to test the beta with which I had a lot of fun, so I participate in the contest to be able to have fun again on this game!
Georges F.
Oct 14, 2019, 9:39 PM on
J'ai découvert Breakpoint lors de la béta sur Uplay. Je ne me doutais pas que le principe se reposait sur du The Division, mais avec un côté un peu plus simplifié, où on a pas l'impression de devoir farmer des heures entières pour espérer loot l'arme parfaite, ayant les bonnes stats. J'aime ce type de jeu, de la coop entre amis, où on prend plaisir à dégommer du mob sans se prendre la tête. C'est pour cela que j'aimerai participer à ce concours, pour remonter une team et passer de bons moments.
I discovered Breakpoint during the beta on Uplay. I had no idea that the game was based on The Division, but with a more simplified side, where you don't have the impression of having to spend hours farming to get the perfect weapon with the right stats. I like this type of game, co-op with friends, where you can enjoy shooting mobs without having to worry about it. That's why I would like to participate to this contest, to build a team and have a good time.
Oct 14, 2019, 3:13 AM on
Bonjour, Étant fan de la série depuis ses débuts, j'aimerais rattraper mon retard sur ce jeu. Cela me permettrais d'évacuer du stress de la vie active et de parvenir a peut-être faire quelque chose qui semble avoir de l'importance en cette fin d'année.
Hello, Being a fan of the series since its beginning, I would like to catch up on this game. It would allow me to evacuate the stress of my busy life and to maybe do something that seems to be important at the end of the year.
Oct 13, 2019, 4:57 PM on
Bonjour, mon père étant militaire dans l'armée Française je souhaiterai l'égalé. Du haut de mes 19ans mon père est mon héros, il part pour des missions et je souhaiterai faire comme lui. Le seul moyen et d'être un héros virtuel, rêver les yeux ouvert, pouvoir être à ces coté pendant les missions. J'ai dévoré Wildlands. Comme mon père et c'est coéquipier je me suis infiltré dans chaque repaire pour aider la population et neutraliser les ennemis. Je voudrai faire de même avec Recon Breakpoint. THX
Hello, my father is a soldier in the French army and I would like to be like him. From the top of my 19 years my father is my hero, he leaves for missions and I would like to do like him. The only way is to be a virtual hero, to dream with my eyes open, to be able to be by his side during the missions. I devoured Wildlands. Like my father and his teammate, I infiltrated every lair to help the population and neutralize the enemies. I would like to do the same with Recon Breakpoint. THX
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