Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order follows the story of Cal Kestis, a young Padawan that has survived the initial attacks following the Order 66, the Emperor's decree to eradicate the Jedi. This policy states that all Jedi traitors to the Galactic Republic must be executed by the Clone Troopers, the Republic’s army. He has to master his Jedi training while he hides from the Second Sister, the Imperial Inquisitorius that hunts him. She's a former member of the Jedi Order and is a powerful wielder of the Force that uses a double-bladed red lightsaber with a circular guard that allows it to spin freely. She'll be backed up by Purge Troopers, who investigate Jedi sightings and are trained to fight them using an electro-staff.

Hiding in a brand new Star Wars world, Bracca, Cal is not a total loner. He is aided by the droid BD-1 and the mysterious former Jedi Knight Cere Junda, that will help him to unlock his Jedi skills.

Players will use their Jedi training to create different melee combinations with an innovative combat system that mixes lightsaber and Force abilities. The game has substantial Metroidvania elements and Sekiro-style combat. Players will also use traversal and other platforming abilities to strategically overcome opponents and solve puzzles in their path across this galaxy-spanning adventure.

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PC  · Steam
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PC  · Steam
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discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
$4.80  $4.32
PC  · Steam
discount code -12% :  DLC12
$5.62  $4.95
PC  · EA app
Languages: EN only
discount code -3% :  3DLC
$5.10  $4.95
PC  · Steam
Deluxe Edition
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PC  · Steam
Deluxe Edition
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discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
$5.95  $5.36
PC  · EA app
discount code -3% :  3DLC
$6.11  $5.93
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PC  · Steam
Deluxe Edition
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discount code -12% :  DLC12
$6.85  $6.03
PC  · EA app
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PC  · Steam
North America
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PC  · EA app
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$7.22  $6.64
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PC  · EA app
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discount code -12% :  DLC12
$7.80  $6.86
PC  · Epic Games
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discount code -15% :  DLCOMPARE
$3.02  $2.57
PC  · EA app
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discount code -15% :  DLCOMPARE
$3.02  $2.57
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PC  · Steam
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discount code -15% :  DLCOMPARE
$3.02  $2.57
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PC  · Epic Games
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discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
$3.25  $2.93
PC  · EA app
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pay back -3% :  DLCOMPARE
PC  · EA app
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discount code -12% :  DLC12OFF
$4.35  $3.83
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PC  · Steam
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discount code -10% :  DLC10MAR
$4.57  $4.11
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PC  · Steam
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pay back -3% :  DLCOMPARE
PC  · Steam
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discount code -12% :  DLC12OFF
$11.46  $10.08

(*) The best price is currently $2.57. We discovered this product available from 19 vendors supporting 5 DRM systems: Epic Games, EA app, Steam, Sony PSN & Xbox Live on 5 platforms - PC, PS5, PS4, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 2 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 147 digital offers. and 37 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 57 comments already shared.

Comments on Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

Jordan Pang Min Han
Nov 20, 2019, 8:26 AM
I would like to win this game because Im always a big fan of star wars and haven't own any of the game yet because it's expensive, and the game atmosphere and graphics is just insane and especially the light saber fight, various location to explore, lastly, shoutout for the creator of star wars!
Nov 20, 2019, 8:13 PM on
Ah en voilà une licence connu et reconnu par tous ! L'Univers Star wars et son lore aussi riche que l'Encyclopédie de Diderot et D'Alembert. Un univers qui vous transporte et vous permet de vous évader et qui me rappelle mon premier contact : 1986, l'épisode IV en VHS... ça date ! En voilà un jeu qui me plairait bien d'essayer ne serait-ce que pour retrouver le goût des années perdues ;)
Ah here is a license known and recognized by all! The Star Wars universe and its lore as rich as the Encyclopedia of Diderot and D'Alembert. A universe that transports you and allows you to escape and that reminds me of my first contact: 1986, the episode IV in VHS... it's a long time ago! Here is a game that I would like to try, if only to find the taste of lost years ;)
Nov 20, 2019, 5:02 PM on
Comme presque tous le monde ici je suis aussi un grand fan de Star Wars et ce jeu me donne beaucoup d’espoir pour le renouveau de la série en jeux vidéo le jeu est très beau et je sens que l'univers est bien représenter j’espère avoir une chance de le gagné afin de voir si je ne me suis pas tromper. Que la force sois avec tout les participant ;)
Like almost everyone here I am also a big fan of Star Wars and this game gives me a lot of hope for the revival of the series in video games the game is very beautiful and I feel that the universe is well represented I hope I hope to have a chance to win it to see if I'm not wrong. May the force be with all the participants ;)
Pierre LIPP
Nov 20, 2019, 12:45 PM on
Jsuis un grand fan de Star Wars et j'ai suivi la sortie de ce jeu de très près ! SI au début j'était dubitatif, je dois avouer que le résultat m'enchante au plus haut point :D Les graphismes sont magnifiques et le gameplay a l'air plaisant. Bref, j'espère vraiment pouvoir y jouer un jour mais pour le moment il est encore trop cher pour moi ^^'
I am a big fan of Star Wars and I followed the release of this game very closely! If at the beginning I was doubtful, I have to admit that the result enchants me to the highest point :D The graphics are beautiful and the gameplay looks nice. Anyway, I really hope to play it one day but for the moment it's still too expensive for me ^^'
Nov 20, 2019, 8:04 AM on
Me gustaría jugarlo porque disfrutaré de una experiencia inolvidable, adentrarme en esta etapa de la saga y simpatizar con el personaje, todo se termino, solo quedamos nosotros representando las fuerzas del orden, de la bondad y de la luz, combatiendo contra las hordas que nos mande el lado oscuro de la fuerza.
I would like to play it because I will enjoy an unforgettable experience, enter this stage of the saga and sympathize with the character, everything is over, only we are left representing the forces of order, goodness and light, fighting against the hordes that send us the dark side of the force.
Nov 20, 2019, 6:13 AM on
J'ai découvert le jeu sur le stream de Sardoche, et c'est juste une tuerie, je veux jouer à ce jeu ! le finir à 100% et profiter de toute les petites histoires et détails qui font grandir l'univers star wars ! en plus d'avoir un sacré défi dans le dernier mode de difficulté :)
I discovered the game on Sardoche's stream, and it's just a killer, I want to play this game ! finish it at 100% and enjoy all the little stories and details that make the star wars universe grow ! and have a great challenge in the last difficulty mode :)
Nov 20, 2019, 12:11 AM on
J'espère beaucoup de ce jeu, déjà une certaine réconciliation avec EA par rapport aux battlefront ... mais aussi un jeu solo star wars qu'on devait avoir depuis longtemps (Star Wars 1313). Ayant adoré l'histoire de KOTOR / the force unleashed, avoir mon propre avis sur le jeu serait ouf et j'avoue l'amusement apporté par le petit bâton et la force peut être vraiment satisfaisant x) Et surtout une scène dans le vénator ou acclamator me fait trop envie :P
I'm hoping for a lot from this game, already a certain reconciliation with EA in relation to battlefront ... but also a star wars single player game that we should have had for a long time (Star Wars 1313). Having loved the story of KOTOR / the force unleashed, having my own opinion on the game would be amazing and I admit the fun brought by the little stick and the force can be really satisfying x) And especially a scene in the venator or acclamator makes me too much envy :P
Courmont Benjamin
Nov 19, 2019, 11:23 AM on
Premièrement merci pour ce concours. Je participe pour ce jeu, car ayant suivie toutes les aventure sur l'univers Star Wars celui-ci couvrira une parti qui me semble encore bien mystérieuse. Très hâte de voir ce que cette opus nous réserve ! Merci encore et que la Force soit avec vous...
First of all, thank you for this contest. I participate for this game, because having followed all the adventures on the Star Wars universe this one will cover a part which seems to me still quite mysterious. I can't wait to see what this opus has in store for us! Thanks again and may the Force be with you...
Clément CACLAR
Nov 18, 2019, 7:08 PM on
La République galactique a été fondée pour amener la paix dans la galaxie, mais, tout au long de son existence, elle a été secouée par des sécessions et des guerres, notamment contre l'Empire Sith. Les chevaliers Jedi, gardiens de la paix et de la justice, réussissent à éliminer les Sith et la galaxie retrouve la prospéritéa. Cependant, après des millénaires d'existence, la République montre d'innombrables failles et se trouve fragilisée ; selon une prophétie Jedi, un « Élu » naîtra et rétab
The Galactic Republic was founded to bring peace to the galaxy, but throughout its existence it has been plagued by secession and war, especially against the Sith Empire. The Jedi Knights, guardians of peace and justice, succeeded in eliminating the Sith and the galaxy returned to prosperity. However, after millennia of existence, the Republic shows countless flaws and is weakened; according to a Jedi prophecy, a "Chosen One" will be born and restore the Republic's power.
Nov 18, 2019, 4:55 PM on
Fan, voire accro à la licence star Wars depuis toujours, j'ai pu faire certains jeux de la licence que ce soit sur PS1 ou bien sur Pc plus récemment. Cet épisode est et restera je pense un des meilleurs jeux star wars.
Fan, even addicted to the Star Wars license since always, I was able to play some games of the license on PS1 or on Pc more recently. This episode is and I think will remain one of the best star wars games.
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  • Technical information

  • Categories : Action, Adventure, Sci-fi, Space Flight
  • Editor : Electronic Arts
  • Developer : Respawn Entertainment
  • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer
  • Release date : November 14, 2019
  • System Requirements
    • Minimum
    • OS : Windows 64 bits 7, 8.1 / 10
    • CPU : AMD FX-6100, Intel I3-3220
    • RAM : 8 GB
    • GPU : Radeon HD 7750, GeForce GTX 650
    • Storage : 55 GB
    • Recommended
    • CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 1700/Intel i7-6700K or Equivalent
    • RAM : 16 GB
    • GPU : RX Vega 56, GTX 1070/GTX1660Ti or Equivalent
    • Storage : 55 GB
  • Age Rating
  • PEGI 16 ESRB T
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