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Anthem is a mix of co-operative multiplayer online first-person shooter and action role-playing game where up to four players share an open world. The new game from BioWare will place you in a world unfinished by the gods where humanity struggles to survive. You will play as a Freelancer, the pilot of a powerful exosuit, tasked with dealing with the dangerous artifacts left behind by the creators of the world. You will explore an ever-changing seamless open world full of ruins and deadly enemies to claim those otherworldly artifacts.

Anthem combines perfectly the single player game with the multiplayer. You will be able to take on missions with up to three other players, in a way similar to other games like Destiny, but after every mission, you will go back alone to your instance of Fort Tarsis. This is your main hub, a city populated by quest-givers, support characters that will take care of your exosuit, and also the place where the single-player story is developed.

As a Freelancer, what mainly defines your gameplay style and strategic role in the team is your Javelin exosuit. Each of those is a powerful high-tech mech-suit designed to boost your offensive and defensive capabilities, and a masterwork piece which performance you will be able to upgrade and customize tailoring its abilities to your playstyle as you develop your piloting abilities.

Four different types of Javelins are available:

The Ranger: the most versatile exosuit and the first one you will have access to. The ranger is the most well-rounded Javelin and it gives you access to a wide variety of weapon types, (excluding heavy-weapons). With two weapon slots, a Shock Mace to use in melee, several grenade types (Frag, Frost, Inferno, Sticky and seeker), and a wrist-mounted launcher able to load different offensive modules (Homing Missile, Energy Pulse, Spark Beam, Venom Darts, and Blast Missile), you will be able to take on any combat situation. The Ranger is also able to deploy support fields that increase weapon damage or deflect incoming projectiles. And if you need an extra bit of firepower, Rangers can rain destruction over a wide area with their Multi-target Missile Battery.

The Colossus: the largest javelin in your arsenal and a reinforced hulking war machine designed to display overwhelming firepower. It cannot use Pistols or SMGs but you can wield powerful Heavy Weapons. The Colossus might not be as mobile as other javelin exosuits but it definitely packs a heavy punch either hammering enemies with its massive chassis or firing massive shoulder-mounted weapons (High Explosive Mortar, Burst Mortar, Firewall Mortar, Lightning Coil, and Shock Coil). You can complement the Colossus destructive options with wrist-mounted Heavy Assault Launcher that can load a Heavy Cannon, a Flame Thrower, a Flak Cannon, a Rail Gun or an Acid Spitter; and also support your allies taunting enemies or with a deflector pulse that boosts damage resistance for a while. As ultimate ability, the Colossus can fire a devastating Siege Cannon.

The Interceptor: agile, fast and deadly. Able to close up into melee to dish out a considerable amount of damage and dash out of harm before enemies can react, the Infiltrator at close range, dashing away before enemies can react, the Interceptor is the exosuit preferred by scouts, assassins, and infiltrators. It can wield any type of weapons but heavy weapons, but it excels at close quarters, where its innate melee ability allows you to chain powerful attacks with Double-Bladed Daggers. Interceptor javelins can load a wide variety of gear to perform devastating techniques, like Seeker Gaives, Acid Bombs, Cryo Glaives, Cluster Mines or a Spark Dash, as well as Strike Systems like Star Strike, Plasma Star, Nova Strike, Tempest Strike or Corrosive Spray. They can also remove status effects from allies with Rally Cry or mark targets for increased damage with Target Beacon. Their ultimate ability allows them to supercharge themselves and rampage through enemies at maximum speed with Assassin's Blades.

The Storm: as javelin designed to be a true glass cannon, the Storm doesn't help much in terms of defensive capability other than maybe its ability to float effortlessly over the ground. On the other side, Storm pilots are able to unleash the raw energy of the Anthem. Being able to wield two weapons of any weapon type, except for Heavy weapons, and with an explosive Fiery Strike able to knock enemies back in melee combat, the Storm would seem pretty standard compared to the other but it truly shines with its Kinesis gear. The Strom is able to load different modules that allow the use of devastating elemental powers: Lightning Strike, Ice Storm, Flame Burst, Rime Blast or Living Flame as Blast Seals, and Hoarfrost Shards, Fireball, Ball Lightning, Glacial Beam or Arc Burst as Focus Seals. Storms can also set up fields to deflect incoming enemy projectiles or provide cooldown reduction to teammates. As ultimate ability, Storms can continuously rain elemental destruction upon a wide area of the battlefield through their Elemental Storm ability.

In Anthem, every time you enter the world you will select a Javelin suit. As you progress in the game you will level up, gather gear, and unlock personalization options, constantly developing both your abilities as a pilot and the capabilities of your collection of javelins.


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(*) The best price is currently $1.46. We discovered this product available from 16 vendors supporting 5 DRM systems: Xbox Live, Sony PSN, EA app, Steam & Digital Download on 4 platforms - PC, PS4, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 2 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 80 digital offers. and 28 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 137 comments already shared.

Comments on Anthem

Feb 25, 2019, 5:49 PM
I tried out the game during the VIP Demo... seemed to have a pretty interesting story that I'd like to explore in details.. and of course the graphics were stunning. There was some issues of course, but from what I've read, many of them were addressed with the day 1 patch, so I'm sure it would be a positive experience playing it - for me at least - so sign me up ????
Ivan Talafuk
Feb 25, 2019, 1:39 PM
I would love to play this game as I've been fan of EA's games ever since I was a kid. And considering that this game has got unfair amount of backslash prior to the release, I'm willing to give it a chance and play it with an open mind. I also think this game has cool animations and beautiful graphics. It would be a shame to pass that by, especially considering we never really got a true Iron Man game and this tops it all.
Mess Louis
Feb 20, 2019, 5:48 PM
I sincerely hope to win this contest even if the chances are very slim because I have unfortunately lost my job recently and I can not afford to buy it .. from the beginning that this game is announced, I dream of it to play. I was able to test the beta closed and open, it was too good.
Feb 25, 2019, 4:38 PM on
Bonjour ! Je souhaiterais avoir ce jeux pour pouvoir continuer l'aventure ANTHEM avec ma femme ! Nous avons tester la beta public et nous avons complètement adhérer ! Cependant 2 jeux a prendre çà fait un peut beaucoup ... Fin bref c'est un excellent jeux nous avons tout les 2 testé ce jeux grâce aux 10h d'essaie avec origin access et ce serait un plaisir et pouvoir gagné cette clé et continuer à jouer avec ma femme :) oui bon par contre je dois quand même en acheter une haha :)
Hello ! I would like to have this game to continue the ANTHEM adventure with my wife ! We have tested the public beta and we have completely adhered ! However 2 games to take it is a bit much ... In short it's an excellent game we both tested this game thanks to the 10 hours of trial with origin access and it would be a pleasure to be able to win this key and continue to play with my wife :) yes well on the other hand I must still buy one haha :)
Feb 25, 2019, 4:02 PM on
Je souhaiterai recevoir ce jeu, car pour moi il y a pas plus beau sentiments de liberté que ce jeu ma produit lors de la beta test, j'ai pu volé dans des contrées inexplorées, j'ai combattu aux coté d'autre Freelancer et j'ai ressenti la part importante que tous peu prendre dans chaque combat, j'aime ce jeu, je l'aime vraiment, la direction artistique, le lore, tout est bon dedans, je pourrai voler des heures sans m’arrêter juste pour la beauté du jeu.
I would like to receive this game, because for me there is no more beautiful feeling of freedom that this game produced during the beta test, I was able to fly in unexplored countries, I fought alongside other Freelancer and I felt the important part that everyone can take in each fight, I love this game, I really love it, the art direction, the lore, everything is good in it, I can fly for hours without stopping just for the beauty of the game.
Martinez gwen
Feb 25, 2019, 3:56 PM on
Après une grosse déception de Titanfall 2, j’espère Tellement de ce jeu qui a été plutôt bien présenté dans ces trailer et qui m’as donné l’eau à la bouche, je pense que je vais bien m’amuser a le découvrir !
After a big disappointment of Titanfall 2, I hope so much of this game which was rather well presented in these trailers and which gave me the water with the mouth, I think that I am going to have fun has to discover it!
Feb 25, 2019, 2:24 AM on
J'attendais le jeu depuis l'annonce, et la beta m'a carrément convaincu. Je ne joue quasiment jamais à des jeux cooperatif, c'est même un des premiers qui me donnent autant envie. J'ai plus énormément de temps pour jouer avec mes cours et clairement ce format que propose anthem est pile ce qu'il me faudrait, à explorer avec quelques potes. En tout cas merci de continuer à proposer des concours, dlcompare reste actif et ça c'est cool !!
I was waiting for the game since the announcement, and the beta has convinced me. I almost never play cooperative games, it's even one of the first ones that make me want to play so much. I don't have much time to play with my classes and clearly this format that anthem offers is just what I need, to explore with some friends. In any case, thanks for continuing to propose contests, dlcompare remains active and that's cool !
Feb 25, 2019, 1:51 AM on
Contrairement a Destiny, Anthem à l'aire vraiment intéressant ! C'est un peu le même style de jeu, mais l'ambiance est beaucoup plus attrayante, pour ma part. Aussi, des amis vont le prendre et je voudrais les rejoindre pour pouvoir défoncer du montres en boucle ! En plus ça va me renouer avec Origin, que j'ai un peu délaisser ses 6 dernières années car les jeux ne m'intéressaient pas plus que ça malheureusement :/
Unlike Destiny, Anthem looks really interesting! It's kind of the same style of game, but the atmosphere is much more appealing, for my part. Also, some friends are going to pick it up and I'd like to join them so I can smash monsters on a loop! Plus it's going to rekindle my interest in Origin, which I've been neglecting for the past 6 years because the games didn't interest me that much :/
Feb 24, 2019, 3:06 PM on
Bonjour ! Pourquoi j'aimerais tant jouer a ce Anthem ... Faire équipe avec trois amis Javelins pour des aventures coopératives qui valorisent les efforts communs et les compétences de chacun. Faisant grandir notre amitié au fil des péripéties , survolant dans nos javelins moult ennemies de type pas très humains ! ca donne envie n'est ce pas ?! . Me déplacer à une vitesse incroyable, fuser dans les airs, ou progresser en toute sécurité dans les profondeurs aquatiques. (sécurité ? naaan)
Hello ! Why I would love to play this Anthem ... Team up with three Javelin friends for cooperative adventures that value the joint efforts and skills of each. Growing our friendship as we go along, flying over many not-so-human enemies in our javelins! It makes you want to, doesn't it? To move at an incredible speed, to rocket in the air, or to progress safely in the water depths. (safety ? naaan)
Feb 23, 2019, 10:27 AM on
J'ai vraiment hâte de tester ce jeu ! Le gameplay et les graphismes ont l'air géniaux et novateurs! Je suis aussi impatient de découvrir l'histoire et parcourir le monde d'Anthem en volant ! :) Rien qu'à le dire ça fait rêver ! Vivent les javelins!
I'm really looking forward to testing this game! The gameplay and graphics look great and innovative! I'm also looking forward to discovering the story and flying around the world of Anthem! :) Just saying it makes me dream! Long live the javelins!
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  • Technical information

  • Official website : Anthem
  • Categories : Action, Adventure, Role-Playing
  • Editor : BioWare
  • Developer : Electronic Arts
  • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer, Co-op
  • Release date : February 22, 2019
  • System Requirements
    • Minimum
    • OS : Windows 10
    • CPU : Intel Core i5 3570, AMD FX-6350
    • RAM : 8 GB
    • GPU : NVIDIA GTX 760, AMD Radeon 7970 / R9280X
    • Storage : 60 GB
  • Age Rating
  • PEGI 12 ESRB T
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