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Agony is an intense survival-horror game that puts players in the shoes of a tormented soul who has been cursed to wander the depths of Hell. Utilize quick wits and nerve-wracking strategies to survive against all odds!

Gameplay consists of horrifying scenarios set in a nightmarish world where players must traverse dangerous environments and make tough decisions in order to stay alive. Players can also upgrade their weapons & armor with various tools and gadgets for added protection.

Graphically speaking, Agony looks remarkable - featuring visceral visuals and gruesome character models for an unsettling experience. The game's audio adds to the atmosphere with its terrifying music and unnerving sound effects.

In addition, there are various special abilities that help players gain a leg up on enemies. This requires patience and bravery in order to defeat foes & complete every mission!

Overall, Agony is sure to appeal to any fan of horror games. With its intense combat & terrifying world – it’s sure to provide hours of entertainment for gamers brave enough to take it on!

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Best deals for Agony

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Code for PS4 that needs to be activated on Playstation Network.

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

Code for Xbox to be activated on Xbox Live.

CD key to use on the GOG GALAXY client to download your game.

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(*) The best price is currently $1.32. We discovered this product available from 15 vendors supporting 5 DRM systems: Steam, Sony PSN, Xbox Live, GOG Galaxy & Nintendo eShop on 5 platforms - PC, PS4, Switch, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in Standard edition. Our price comparison tool has identified 29 digital offers. and 3 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 84 comments already shared.

Comments on Agony

May 21, 2018, 12:54 AM
I fell in love with this game, the universe he describes reminds me of the vision I had of Dante's back when I was younger. This game invades me I think it was released, unfortunately I have very little income I often struggle to buy my games and that's why it will be a tragedy if I could not play
May 18, 2018, 9:39 PM
I often use dlcompare to find the best deals so I was very happy that this was getting coverage. I've followed agony since it was on Kickstarter and, with its continual updates, I think this game stands out from the standard horror game. It stands out not just because of its excessive imagery but also it's interesting mechanics of possession. Due to its originality, and because I'm a big fan of horror, I would love to have the opportunity to play this game.
May 24, 2018, 1:53 AM on dlcompare.es
Todavía no me he atrevido a pillar ningún juego de terror en realidad virtual. Este juego tiene buena pinta. A ver con este me atrevo a dar el pasa de sufrir en mis carnes un juego de terror con las Oculus jaja.
I have not yet dared to buy any horror game in virtual reality. This game looks good. Let's see with this one I dare to take the step of suffering in my flesh a horror game with the Oculus haha.
May 24, 2018, 12:19 AM on dlcompare.fr
J'attends ce jeu depuis si longtemps! Le lancement approche, l'agonie est proche... Gore, sanglant, sans répit, un voyage aux confins de l'infernal, à travers une âme torturée qui essaie de trouver son chemin, perdu dans une damnation éternelle... Puisse mon agonie me permettre de remporter ce concours et mettre la main sur le jeu Agony afin que je puisse partir explorer les limbes sombres du royaume de Lucifer, en solo comme en mode coop avec des amis ...
I have been waiting for this game for so long! The launch is approaching, the agony is near... Gory, bloody, relentless, a journey to the edge of hell, through a tortured soul trying to find its way, lost in an eternal damnation... May my agony allow me to win this contest and get my hands on the game Agony so that I can explore the dark limbo of Lucifer's kingdom, in solo as well as in co-op mode with friends...
May 24, 2018, 12:00 AM on dlcompare.fr
Que dire de ce jeu ? Je pense qu'il s'agit là d'un très bon jeu, au concept sympathiques et qui présente un très bon potentiel de gameplay. Ne parlons même pas des graphismes qui me font baver ! J'entends de très bonnes choses sur ce jeu, les critiques donnent envie d'y jouer ! Alors je participe de tout coeur au concours en espérant moi aussi avoir la chance de le tester et d'avoir un bon moment !
What to say about this game? I think this is a very good game, with a nice concept and a very good gameplay potential. Let's not even talk about the graphics which make me drool! I hear very good things about this game, the reviews make me want to play it! So I participate wholeheartedly to the contest hoping to have the chance to test it and have a good time!
Tanguy Doryan
May 22, 2018, 11:15 PM on dlcompare.fr
j'ai beaucoup aimé Doom et des jeux d'horreur mais ce jeu je l'attend depuis très longtemps avec ce heu en milieu de l'enfer , je ne sais pas quel est le but du jeu mais j'aimerais beaucoup le recevoir...... surtout euhhh gratis .... :D bonne chance a toute et a tous
I liked a lot Doom and horror games but this game I'm waiting for a long time with this heu in the middle of hell, I don't know what is the goal of the game but I would like to receive it very much...... especially uhhh free .... :D good luck to all
Julien Berger
May 22, 2018, 12:33 PM on dlcompare.fr
J'attend ce jeu depuis la diffusion du premier trailer ou l'on voyait cette chute vertigineuse dans les Enfers. Vraiment hâte de pouvoir mettre la main dessus et de pouvoir parcourir les 9 cercles decrits par Dante.
I've been waiting for this game since the first trailer where we saw this dizzying fall into the Underworld. I can't wait to get my hands on it and to go through the 9 circles described by Dante.
May 22, 2018, 11:34 AM on dlcompare.fr
Trop envie de m'immerger dans ce jeu! Un concept bien sympa dans une ambiance me rappelant les enfers de Doom. Sauf que là, on ne commence pas en faucheur de démon mais en pauvre âme piétinée baignant dans une mer de sang de déchus! Clairement destiné à un public mature (PEGI 18), il promet de bonnes sessions quand bébé m'aura empêcher de dormir!
I really want to immerse myself in this game! A very nice concept in an atmosphere reminding me of the underworld of Doom. Except that here, you don't start as a demon reaper but as a poor trampled soul bathing in a sea of fallen blood! Clearly intended for a mature audience (PEGI 18), it promises good sessions when baby keeps me awake!
julien Belforti
May 21, 2018, 11:11 PM on dlcompare.fr
Bonjour , j'aimerais tant jouer a ce jeu car c est mon monde j'ai jouer a tout les jeux avec zombie de dayZ left4dead h1z1 next day vraiment tout je suis un passionner du monde apocalyptique et des morts vivant et surtout des modes coopération pour m'amuser avec mes amis svp faite moi gagner je serais tellement heureux .
Hello, I would love to play this game because it is my world. I have played all the games with zombies from dayZ left4dead h1z1 next day really everything I am a fan of the apocalyptic world and the living dead and especially the cooperation modes to have fun with my friends please make me win I would be so happy.
May 21, 2018, 9:54 PM on dlcompare.fr
Hum, ce jeu a l'air intéressant, L'idée de ne pas mourir et de souffrir éternellement est prometteuse et rafraîchissante dans le petit milieu de ce type de titre. La vie n'est que souffrance, la mort elle est apaisante (la vie réelle est un excellent exemple). Ma foi, je ne dis pas non a la torture psychologique et maintenant qui va toucher notre âme devenant damné grâce a ce jeu....miam quand est ce qu'on mange?
Hmm, this game looks interesting, The idea of not dying and suffering eternally is promising and refreshing in the small world of this type of title. Life is only suffering, death is soothing (real life is an excellent example). Well, I don't say no to the psychological torture and now who will touch our soul becoming damned thanks to this game....miam when do we eat?
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  • Technical information

  • Official website : Agony
  • Categories : Action, Adventure
  • Editor : PlayWay
  • Developer : Madmind Studio
  • Mode(s) : Solo
  • Release date : May 29, 2018
  • System Requirements
    • Minimum
    • OS : Windows 7
    • CPU : AMD Phenom II X4 955
    • RAM : 8 GB
    • GPU : Radeon R9 200 Series / GeForce GTX660
    • Storage : 40 GB
    • Recommended
    • CPU : Intel Core i5-8400, AMD Ryzen 5 1600
    • RAM : 16 GB
    • GPU : Radeon RX 580 or GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
    • Storage : 17 GB
  • Age Rating
  • PEGI 18
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