Buy Civilization VI at the Best Price

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Firaxis Games brings you back to the turn-based strategy franchise for excellence. Civilization VI is the latest installment of the series. It comes full of new mechanics and features that will make the journey of your empire through the tides of time an experience you will never forget. Civilization VI features the usual gameplay of the series, but includes many of the improvements added on the latest Civilization V expansions, and a few new ones:

  • Expansive Cities: Cities can now occupy multiple tiles, with certain improvements having to be placed outside of the main city itself and granting bonuses to structures. You can now customize the build of your city and take full advantage of the surrounding terrain.
  • Active Research: formerly known as the technology tree. The developement of your civilization's technology will now be boosted by the access to certain resources, (having a quarry will make your progress in masonry faster, for example). Also certain discoveries will grant you an Eureka Moment, that will boost your progress in related technologies.
  • Dynamic Diplomacy: As you progress through the game your initial relationships with other civilizations will get more complex. The developement of spies will widen your information network and give you access to more detailed knowledge about what's happening all over the world. Each ruler has it's own hidden agenda, that will influence his diplomatic relations with the neighbors.
  • Combined Arms: Unit stacking is still limited, but you will be able to combine units from the same types to form corps and armies, and also embed support units with others, like an anti-aircraft gun supporting infantry.
  • Enhanced Multiplayer: There are new multiplayer modes available, including scenarios to play specific competitive and cooperative matches, that are designed to be finished in a single playing session.

Civilization VI provides a good challenge to all types of players. Veterans will find new systems to develop their civilizations, and newcomers have a new set of tutorial systems that will allow them to grasp the gameplay mechanics and get used to the flow of the game quite easily. The classic is back once again. Choose your civilization and get ready to conquer the world once more!



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(*) The best price is currently $0.78. We discovered this product available from 25 vendors supporting 6 DRM systems: Steam, Epic Games, Xbox Live, Digital Download, Sony PSN & Nintendo eShop on 5 platforms - PC, PS4, Switch, XboxOne & Xbox Series X. The game comes in 6 editions. Our price comparison tool has identified 256 digital offers. and 24 prices for the physical version. Additionally, our platform showcases feedback from users, with 124 comments already shared.

Comments on Civilization VI

Dec 29, 2016, 7:09 PM on
Après plusieurs semaines de service le jeu tient ses promesses. Un jeu de stratégie digne de la série, complexe mais abordable, avec des graphismes et un gameplay renouvelés. Seule la diplo pèche encore elle aurait du s’appeler trahison c'eut été plus explicite. Je le connais un peu mais ne le possède pas encore pour le jouer totalement. Le gagner serait une aubaine, papa noel a fait d'autres choix ;-)
After several weeks of service the game keeps its promises. A strategy game worthy of the series, complex but affordable, with renewed graphics and gameplay. Only the diplo is still lacking, it should have been called betrayal, it would have been more explicit. I know it a little but don't own it yet to play it totally. Winning it would be a godsend, Santa Claus has made other choices ;-)
Nov 6, 2016, 12:58 PM on
1991 : Civilization 1997 Civilization II 2001 : Civilization III 2005 : Civilization IV 2010 : Civilization V 2014 : Civilization : Beyond Earth Je n'ai pas loupé une version de cette merveilleuse franchise. Hate de pouvoir tester la version de 2016 avec Civilization VI. Peut être que ce sera grâce à vous ;)
1991 : Civilization 1997 Civilization II 2001 : Civilization III 2005 : Civilization IV 2010 : Civilization V 2014 : Civilization : Beyond Earth I haven't missed a version of this wonderful franchise. Hate to test the 2016 version with Civilization VI. Maybe it will be thanks to you ;)
Oct 27, 2016, 11:43 AM on
Fan des jeux de stratégie, comme europa universalis, hearts of iron, etc, j'attendais avec impatience la sortie de Civilization VI. N'ayant pas vraiment connu les civilizations, j'ai beaucoup joué et apprécié Beyond Earth, un dérivé de cette franchise. Il me tarde donc de mettre les mains sur ce petit bijoux! En tout cas, merci pour le concours, c'est généreux de votre part.
As a fan of strategy games, like europa universalis, hearts of iron, etc, I was looking forward to the release of Civilization VI. Not having really known civilizations, I played and enjoyed Beyond Earth, a derivative of this franchise. I can't wait to get my hands on this little gem! Anyway, thanks for the contest, it's generous of you.
Oct 25, 2016, 6:15 PM on
Joueur de longue date des Civilizations, ayant commencé par le IV, puis le V, sur lequel j'ai passé de très nombreuses heures et enfin Beyond Earth, qui fut une déception pour moi. Ce dernier opus allie à la fois toutes les features ajoutées au gré des DLC de Civilization V et de nouvelles, tel un mode de gestion des cités qui me semble bien pensée et ergonomique, une refonte du commerce, un double arbre pour la culture, et j'en passe. J'ai hâte d'avoir cette nouvelle édition entre les mains.
Long time player of Civilizations, having started with IV, then V, on which I spent many hours and finally Beyond Earth, which was a disappointment for me. This last opus combines all the features added in the DLC of Civilization V and some new ones, such as a city management mode which seems to me well thought and ergonomic, a trade redesign, a double tree for the culture, and so on. I can't wait to have this new edition in my hands.
Oct 24, 2016, 8:31 PM on
Je n'ai jamais touché à un Civilization mais j'avais déjà regardé un gameplay de Civilization V et il m'avait fait une forte impression, du coups Civilization VI est une bonne occasion de commencer la licence :D !
I've never played a Civilization but I had already watched a gameplay of Civilization V and it made a strong impression on me, so Civilization VI is a good opportunity to start the license :D !
Oct 24, 2016, 8:02 PM on
Civilization, ou le seul moyen de pouvoir créer un monde à son image. Fuir ce monde sous dictate des firmes internationales qui nous dictent notre société,notre façon de vivre. Depuis 6 opus le jeu nous permet de façonner un monde utopique , idyllique, laisser nos plus grand espoirs de société surgir , vaincre ses ennemis , être une puissance culturelle ou encore être la nation la plus avancée technologiquement ! Ce jeu permet de se libérer d'un enchaînement social permanent alors de ce jeu now
Civilization, or the only way to create a world in your own image. To escape this world under the dictate of international firms that dictate our society, our way of life. For 6 opuses the game allows us to shape a utopian world, idyllic, let our greatest hopes of society arise, defeat its enemies, be a cultural power or be the most technologically advanced nation! This game allows us to free ourselves from a permanent social chaining then from this game now
Oct 24, 2016, 5:27 PM on
J'ai dévoré tous les opus de cette série, y compris le décrié Beyond Earth et son extensions qui changeait le gameplay sans être transcendantale. Je pense que revenir aux sources de ce qui ait la richesse de cette série tout en y incorporant ce qui manquait aux derniers et en améliorant certains pan de jeu sont une bonne idée. Et je serais ravi de le tester de mes propres mains celui-ci aussi.
I devoured all the opuses of this series, including the decried Beyond Earth and its extension which changed the gameplay without being transcendental. I think that going back to the roots of what makes this series so rich while incorporating what was missing in the last ones and improving some aspects of the game are a good idea. And I'd be happy to test it with my own hands too.
Oct 22, 2016, 5:47 PM on
Civilization.... LE jeu le plus chronophage que je connaisse. On sait quand on commence une partie, mais on sait jamais à quelle heure on la termine. Et quand on relève sa tête de son écran, minimum 10h se sont écoulés... mais ça fait tellement du bien ! Si on veut avoir une vie social, c'est foutu.Vive Civ !
Civilization.... THE most time consuming game I know. You know when you start a game, but you never know when you will finish it. And when you raise your head from your screen, at least 10 hours have passed... but it feels so good! If you want to have a social life, you can't. Long live Civ!
Oct 22, 2016, 9:41 AM on
Je dois reconnaître que je ne suis pas un fan de la première heure de Civilization. J'ai découvert le jeu avec Civ V et j'ai adoré. J'y ai passé tellement de temps: "Je me fait une petite partie vite fait", soit la partie qui dure de 14 heures à 22 heures avec "aller je termine juste la construction de ma merveille et j'arrête". Bref, si je pouvais avoir cette clé je serai très heureux de pouvoir égayer mes après midi d'hiver
I have to admit that I am not a fan of Civilization from the beginning. I discovered the game with Civ V and I loved it. I spent so much time on it: "I'm having a quick game", that is to say the game that lasts from 14 hours to 22 hours with "go I just finish building my wonder and I stop". In short, if I could have this key I would be very happy to brighten up my winter afternoons
Oct 22, 2016, 7:46 AM on
Ayant passé plus de 300h sur CIV 5 qui est un excellent de stratégie et qui permet de plonger dans l'histoire de certaines civilisation ! Je souhaiterais énormément jouer à ce nouveau CIV qui à l'air génial !!
Having spent more than 300h on CIV 5 which is an excellent strategy game and which allows to dive into the history of certain civilization ! I would like very much to play this new CIV which looks great !
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  • Technical information

  • Official website : Civ6
  • Categories : Strategy
  • Editor : 2K
  • Developer : Firaxis Games
  • Mode(s) : Solo, Multiplayer
  • Release date : October 20, 2016
  • System Requirements
    • Minimum
    • OS : Windows 7 (64-bit)
    • CPU : Core i3 2.5 Ghz / Phenom II 2.6 Ghz
    • RAM : 4 GB
    • GPU : GeForce 450 / Radeon HD 5570
    • Storage : 12 GB
    • Recommended
    • OS : Windows 10 (64-bit)
    • CPU : Core i5 4th generation 2.5 Ghz / FX8350 4.0 Ghz
    • RAM : 8 GB
    • GPU : GeForce 770 / Radeon HD 7970
    • Storage : 12 GB
  • Age Rating
  • PEGI 12 ESRB E10
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